

KotlinJetpack ComposeFigma
ReClothes is a sustainable fashion mobile app using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Features include ML-based clothing analysis, DIY tips, and gamification. This project is made for our final project in Bangkit Academy by Google, GoTo, and Traveloka.

Wastehub Collector

KotlinJetpack ComposeFigma
Wastehub Collector application is an application intended for drivers from BankSampah who are affiliated or not who work with Wastehub. This application can only be used from the collector side and aims to facilitate collectors in the process of collecting waste from users in the form of monthly or per request.


MyAthena is an app intended for Athena Aesthetic Clinic customer, users can explore their past transactions, promos, products, and their consultations history.


FlutterDartGoogle MLKit
Arwana or Absensi Karyawan Athena is a mobile app designed for employees of Klinik Kecantikan Athena to manage attendance. This app uses geolocation to verify the user’s presence based on their location within the company premises. Employees can mark their attendance, view their presence history, and track their total paid leave and instances of lateness. Additionally, the app includes measures to prevent the use of fake GPS, ensuring fair and accurate attendance tracking.